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Confused about Medicare? 

Confused about Medicare? 

Here’s What You Need to Know The Medicare system can feel overwhelming.  From knowing the difference between Medicaid and Medicare to questions about enrollment and benefits, it can be difficult to sort through all the information available and see where you fit in....

Nine Tips for Seniors Living on a Fixed Income

Nine Tips for Seniors Living on a Fixed Income

Seniors who are living on a fixed income often have difficulty adhering to a budget while still living a fulfilled and active life. Because retirement should be one of the happiest and most relaxed times in your life, it always pains me to see seniors struggling with...

Workshop: How to beat student debt

Workshop: How to beat student debt

As the cost of attending college continues to increase, so does the student loan debt level. According to a report by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the average outstanding balance is now $34,144. Plus, the percentage of borrowers owing $50,000 or more has more than tripled in the last 10 years.

Create your own lottery jackpot

Create your own lottery jackpot

Whenever the Powerball jackpot increases to a large number, many folks spend money on lottery tickets. Even after someone wins the big jackpot, folks continue to buy the tickets in hopes of cashing in on one of the smaller prizes.

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