Garden abundance can last past the season

Now that we’re at or near the end of the summer/fall growing season, we may be finding ourselves with produce that is starting to get over-ripe. Rather than throwing the produce out, consider these actions that can end up saving you money on your future grocery bill....

As your garden grows, so do your savings

Back in March, I shared with you about saving on your grocery budget by planting a garden. How much can you save? Here’s an update on what we have saved so far: Strawberries When we moved here five years ago, we brought a few strawberry plants with us. The plants have...

Plan garden now to stretch your food budget

Here in Nebraska, we’re still in the midst of winter. While the days are getting longer and some days the temperatures are little warmer, we are often still shivering with cold temperatures. Here’s a thought to warm your spirit and save some money: gardening. Like...

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