Is it possible to graduate from college without a lot of student loan debt? Many will say no, but with planning and work, students can graduate from college debt-free or with a minimum amount of debt.

Want to find out how? Join us on Jan. 23 at 10 a.m. for the educational workshop “Paying for College Without Breaking the Bank.”

Here are some statistics to whet your appetite:

  • 25% of all U.S. households have student loan debt.
  • The average amount of the debt is nearly $28,000.
  • 70% of new college graduates have student loan debt, and the amount of the debt has doubled in the last 20 years. Their parents also carry additional debt for that education.
  • Graduating college students are also carrying a significant amount of credit card debt.

In the workshop you will learn about:

  • Minimizing the cost of college.
  • Financial aid.
  • College savings.
  • Using family gifts to pay for college.
  • Some other useful hints.

For more information or to register, visit

We’ll also have a workshop at 1 p.m. that day: “Navigating Your Tax Return.” Plan to stay for both!

Judith Ackland has more than 26 years of experience in accountancy and financial planning, including seventeen years as a CFO of a diverse business. She started Crystal Financial in 2010 to help a wide array of individuals, families, and business owners better understand their finances and how good financial management could help them achieve their goals. Judith has an MA in Professional Accountancy from the University of Nebraska at Lincoln as well as a Certified Public Accountant Certificate and a Certified Financial Planner designation.

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